
my name is Soloveva Anna, I’m living in Germany and I have a passion for capturing the beauty of nature, particularly plants and flowers, through the vibrant colors and flowing lines of watercolor paintings.
One of the things that drew me to watercolors is the unpredictable and unique quality that they possess and using synthetic paper allow me to enhanced this quality, to embrace spontaneous and fluid color flows and to enjoy the magic of the watercolors. There is a challenge of working with watercolors, and for me watercolor becomes more than just a medium; it becomes my coauthoras. The delicate balance between control and surrender allows me to co-create with watercolor, resulting in artworks that bear the marks of our artistic collaboration.

Exhibitions and awards
– 1st place in section Plants abstraction, International exhibition and competition of modern art, Gallery modern art “Art commune”, Moscow, 2023
– International Watercolor Net Exhibition in Japan, 2022 (Japan International Watercolor Institute)